ertes 2017-03-02 18:46:02
ertes 2017-03-02 18:46:12
now use the same logic in the other direction
pushp0p_ 2017-03-02 18:46:14
yah it made sense when i started looking at the type constructor
ertes 2017-03-02 18:46:18
Fix y :: Fix F
ertes 2017-03-02 18:46:20
y :: ?
pushp0p_ 2017-03-02 18:46:34
the way it looks is still strange but if i substitute the type constructor into unfix it makes sense
Squarism 2017-03-02 18:50:36
So a value cant have type "Eq *" ?
geekosaur 2017-03-02 19:02:26
Eq is not a type. You could think of it as an interface
geekosaur 2017-03-02 19:03:32
A typeclass (interface) is not a type and cannot be used as one. (It's actually a hint to the compiler to include a pointer to a type's implementation of the typeclass. Thus you must have a type, otherwise there is no pointer.)
Squarism 2017-03-02 19:06:56
geekosaur, i suspected that. I need to get rid o my scala/java mind set and learn my "generic" options in haskell
ongy 2017-03-02 19:41:50
hm, cabal new-build confuses me. It looks like it chokes on atomic-primops