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Friday, March 3, 2017

#haskell channel featuring ezyang, ongy,

ongy 2017-03-02 20:45:27
but skimming the changes, it can run the build tools installed as dependencies, not sure about the built project
ezyang 2017-03-02 20:45:46
yeah, dunno. Code is the gospel
ongy 2017-03-02 20:47:12
I got a 101 character long path from new-build to run the binary...
ongy 2017-03-02 20:47:39
that's equal parts hilarious and horrible
ezyang 2017-03-02 20:49:05
yeah, HEAD new-build puts it in a bit longer path
ezyang 2017-03-02 20:49:13
Maybe we should drop the arch
ezyang 2017-03-02 20:49:24
but I've found ghc version quite useful
ongy 2017-03-02 20:50:04
if we get cabal new-run/ or something to get the newest paths from cabal (useful for automated install scripts) I don't mind it
ongy 2017-03-02 20:50:15
but parsing the output of new-build for the Linking line... not my favorite passtime
ezyang 2017-03-02 20:50:30
ongy 2017-03-02 21:28:27
symlinks it is for now :) also why have I never seen cabal exec before? I think that fixes a problem I had
ezyang 2017-03-02 21:29:30
ongy 2017-03-02 21:42:52
what's the best way to make a dev-only feature with cabal? I have something I would like for debugging but really makes no sense/would confuse people in practice. Make a flag and use CPP in the file?
ezyang 2017-03-02 21:43:18
manual flag
ongy 2017-03-02 21:43:39
ongy 2017-03-02 21:44:58
and that flag should define a define that I can check with CPP in source then?