nitrix 2017-01-27 04:59:29
What is the best material one would recommend to learn about the free monad, data Fix and related contraptions?
reactormonk 2017-01-27 05:01:43
nitrix, if you're fine with some scala, I learned a lot from
jophish 2017-01-27 05:04:20
nitrix: Trying to use them might be a good way of learning, if you have a good usecase
nitrix 2017-01-27 05:11:33
Are haskell functors all endofunctors; or are there functors across different categories as well?
nitrix 2017-01-27 05:14:05
For one, I'm only aware of the Hask category and, as of lately, heard about the End(Hask) category, but I'd really like an overview of all it all connects.
nitrix 2017-01-27 05:14:19
s/of all/of how/
lpaste 2017-01-27 05:14:33
simli pasted "cereal-conduit confusion" at
unclechu 2017-01-27 05:15:00
hey guys, where I can read about how to parse output from subprocess line by line?
simli 2017-01-27 05:15:51
my pasted uncommented version hangs forever (seemingly...), while the commented version utilizing my knowledge of the message length works as expected. What could I be missing?
unclechu 2017-01-27 05:15:54
is there any tutorials or something like that? i waste a lot of time for 'process' package but can't do what I want
qmm 2017-01-27 05:17:53
anyone have a coding challenge that should only take about 10 mins?
simli 2017-01-27 05:18:35
let me know if my paste is lacking detail, I suspect it's some misunderstanding on my part, so I didn't spend the time to make it a complete example
simli 2017-01-27 05:18:59
a *simple* misunderstanding, that is :)
simli 2017-01-27 05:20:30
qmm, perhaps (I haven't looked super closely myself so not 100% on time req :P)
sena_kun 2017-01-27 05:25:36
hi, folks! Anyone who has experience with liquidhaskell? I have a little issue and don't know is it should be bug-reported or I'm just stupid.
ph88 2017-01-27 05:31:19
i type annotated nearly this entire function to get some help from the typechecker, but i'm still getting errors i can't make sense of
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:33:28
ph88: what monad is the inner do-block supposed to use?
ph88 2017-01-27 05:34:19
the same as the outer monad
sena_kun 2017-01-27 05:34:34
I've submited a bug already, so nevermind me.
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:34:38
OK, but you're applying 'fromMaybe ""' to it, which means it has to be Maybe.
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:34:46
did you mean fromMaybe "" <$> ?
ph88 2017-01-27 05:34:54
ooh .. maybe
ph88 2017-01-27 05:34:54
ph88 2017-01-27 05:35:01
jusjt a mometn
ph88 2017-01-27 05:36:29
byorgey, oh thank you, looks like that cleared up 2 of the 3 errors !
ph88 2017-01-27 05:36:35
i just .. couldn't see it
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:36:41
great =) glad to help
ph88 2017-01-27 05:36:42
how did you notice that was it ?
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:37:09
I dunno, I just started looking at the code and trying to figure out what types different things were
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:37:16
it probably helped that I have no idea what the code is doing
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:37:37
so I don't know what the types are *supposed
byorgey 2017-01-27 05:37:46
*supposed* to be, I just have to figure out what they *are*